Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why I want to delete my Facebook...

I want to delete my Facebook for so many reasons. I've been toying with the idea lately of just up and leaving it, or at least severely limiting my activity on it.

It's an addiction for most of us in the social media world. We're in fear of being left out, in fear of not knowing what's going on in the world, in our friends' lives, etc. If we really do have "true friends", as cliche as that sounds, we won't need Facebook to keep tabs on them. One of my good friends deleted hers a few months ago, and she keeps saying it was one of the best decisions of her entire adult life.

It's a source of unwarranted jealousy, unnecessary envy, material want, you name it. I will see pictures of my gorgeous friends and think "why can't I be like her?" or "why can't I be as pretty as her?" It's absolutely stupid. I'm judging my entire self based on a decent angle of someone else, as seen through an Instagram filter. I'm comparing my workout schedule to someone who works out for a living. I'm comparing Likes on my pictures to this persons Likes on her pictures, and the people who are Liking the picture.

It's a sick cycle to be drawn into, and it is an absolute confidence crusher. A lot of fights wouldn't have occurred (in my life and others') if Facebook wasn't around.

The reasons why I cannot delete my Facebook are plenty. I have two business pages that I maintain, I have publicity for said businesses on my own personal page, I am a Zumba instructor, so I get invited to all of the latest Zumba parties and workshops to teach. How else will they find out about me or contact me if I'm not on Facebook? What the hell did we do 10 years ago without Facebook?! I can't remember. I literally cannot remember a life without social media. I will admit that one main reason I won't delete it is because I have so many friends all over the world, and have no other way of knowing what's going on in their lives. Like it REALLY matters. Again, if I really wanted to keep in touch with them, we have email, hell we have old fashioned REAL mail.

I love posting these blogs to my Facebook Timeline because how else will people read it? I have 5 followers on the actual blog. Just 5! And with the publicity from Facebook, I have over 1100 views since the beginning.

I check my Facebook almost every time I get into my car. To drive. I think that's worse than texting and driving. I'm not even doing anything productive. I'm looking at a friend's delicious lunch or a baby in a pool. Come ON. I could kill someone or myself by uploading stupid FACEBOOK to just see what my friends are up to at that exact moment. I've really tried my hardest to stop. When I realize what I'm reaching for my phone to do, I drop it and focus on driving. I'm still working on it. But it's ridiculous.

I really want to try and not use Facebook for a whole week. Delete the app from my phone, read before bed instead of scroll through the mundane posts, make a news source my homepage for my internetz, and see what happens. See my life happen. See my time open up. See my productivity skyrocket. See my confidence soar.

I wish I had enough gumption to just up and do it, but I can admit that I don't.

At least I can try and be gumpt.

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